Historic Treatise Sources on Singing and Ornamentation
Bovicelli, Giovanni Battista. Regole, passaggi di musica, 1594. https://s9.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/7/71/IMSLP408006-PMLP198697-bovicelli.pdf
Caccini, Giulio. Le nuove musiche (preface), 1602. https://s9.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/1/16/IMSLP580709-PMLP116645-Caccini_Giulio-Le_nuove_musiche_Marescotti_scan_cleaned.pdf
Bacilly, Bénigne de. Remarques curieuses sur l′art de bien chanter, 1668. (A Commentary upon the Art of Proper Singing, translated by Austin Caswell, 1968)
Tosi, Pier Francesco. Opinioni de’ cantori antichi, e moderni o sieno osservazioni sopra il canto figurato, Bologna 1723.
Observations on the Florid Song; or, Sentiments on the Ancient and Modern Singers. translated into English by Mr. Galliard, 1743. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/26477/26477-h/26477-h.htm
Anleitung zur Singkunst, translated into German by Johann Friedrich Agrigola, 1757. https://ks.imslp.net/files/imglnks/usimg/4/43/IMSLP82404-PMLP140521-Singkunst.pdf
Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de. Principes de Musique, 1736. https://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/9/96/IMSLP112030-PMLP149927-principes_de_musique.pdf
Berard, Jean Antoine. L’Art du Chant, 1755. https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5OwnHXz52SoC&hl=de&pg=GBS.PA14
Lécuyer, François-Joseph. Principes de l’art du chant, 1769. https://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/b/b5/IMSLP256926-PMLP416475-lecuyer_principes_de_lart_du_chant.pdf
Raparlier. Principes de musique, les agreements du chant, 1772. https://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/e/ed/IMSLP112163-PMLP229084-reparlier_principes_de_musique.pdf
Mancini, Giambattista. Pensieri e Reflessione Pratiche sopra il Canto Figurato, 1774.
Practical Reflections on the Figurative Art of Singing. translated into English by Pietro Buzzi. https://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/c/c8/IMSLP27746-PMLP61168-Mancini_-_Practical_Reflections_on_the_Figurative_Art_of_Singing.pdf
Garcia, Manuel. Garcia’s new treatise on the art of singing. A compendious method of instruction, with examples and exercises for the cultivation of the voice, 1840/47. https://archive.org/details/agq3849.0001.001.umich.edu
Corri, Domenico. The Singer’s Preceptor, or Corri’s Treatise on Vocal Music (3 volumes), 1810.
Vol. 1: https://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/d/d9/IMSLP252807-PMLP409676-singerspreceptor00corr.pdf
Vaccai, Nicola. Metodo pratico di canto italiano, 1832. https://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/c/c6/IMSLP240592-SIBLEY1802.15813.984f-39087009927650score.pdf
Lamperti, Francesco (1811 or 1813 – 1892). The Art of Singing. Translated into English, 1890. (Guida teorico-pratica-elementaire per lo studio del canto, Milan 1864) https://ks.imslp.net/files/imglnks/usimg/7/73/IMSLP28385-PMLP62471-Lamperti,_Francesco_-_The_Art_of_Singing.pdf
Sedie, Enrico delle. A complete method of singing : a theoretical and practical treatise on the art of singing, 1894. https://archive.org/details/completemethodof00sedi/page/n9/mode/2up
Lamperti, Giovanni Battista (1839 Milan – 1910 Berlin). The Technics of Bel Canto. Translated into English by Dr. Theodore Baker, 1905. (Die Technik des Bel Canto, Berlin 1905) https://ks.imslp.net/files/imglnks/usimg/1/17/IMSLP27607-PMLP60885-G_Lamperti–The_Technics_of_Bel_Canto.pdf
Petrucci Music Library (also modern notation)
Early Music Online (British Library)
Choir Books and Manuscripts (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
The Motet Database Catalogue Online
Modern Notation
Web Library of Seventeenth-Century Music
Online Jounals
Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music
Concerto: Magazin für Alte Musik